Bob's Country Bunker, Part 2
[the band start packing up the gear, Bob approaches Jake
and Elwood]
Bob: Shit I'm gonna tell you boys that's some of
the best God damn music we've had in the Country Bunker in a long
Elwood: Well uh.. sorry we couldn't remember the
Rackety Ole 97.
Bob: Oh well hell you guys can learn it next
time well ya come back.
Jake: Bob, about our money for tonight.
Bob: That's right. Uh $200, and you boys drank
$300 worth of beer.
Elwood: Uh well like, when we first come in the
bar lady never charged us for the first round so like we figured
you know beer was like complimentary for the band, you know.
Bob: Uh, hu hu, Uh-Uh. Bob shakes his head
Jake: Well I'll just go and take up a collection
from the boys.
Bob: Well I tell ya, I sure would appreciate it.
[Jake and Elwood head out to the cars. The band are talking
about the gig]
Willie: I say this trip is no where man. I say
we gotta quit.
Murph: What? Quit? Well I wish you guys would
make up your mind. Otherwise I've gotta call Mr Ronzinni at the
Holiday in and get our old gig back.
Steve: Back at the Armada room?
Jake: [Approaches the band] Listen. They want us
to pay for the beer we drank, so you guys better split. The next
gig is gonna be dynamite, huge, you'll see.
Willie: I say we give the Blues Brothers just
one more chance.
Donald: Why not? If the shit fits, wear it.
[Getting into he car] Scoot over god dammit.
[The band leaves]
Elwood: The boys look a little upset. Hey man,
don't worry, we got a coupla days. We'll get the penguins tax
money. I mean look, we got an appointment to see Mr. Sline
tomorrow. Everything's gonna be alright. Let's skate.
[An RV pulls into the parking lot.]
Jake: Goddammit.
[Jake and Elwood walk towards the RV as the Good Ole Boys are
getting out]
Jake: Excuse me gentlemen are you the Good Ole
Leader: Yeah, that's right, I'm Tucker McElroy,
lead singer, driver of the Winnebago. Listen I'd like to talk to
you son but were running very late.
[Jake holds up a crunched cigarette packet very quickly as
though it were an ID bage of some kind]
Jake: My name is Jacob Stein, the American
Federation of Musicians Union local 200. I've been sent here to
see if you gentlemen are carrying your permits.
Leader: Our what?
Jake: Your Union cards. May I see your cards
Leader: S'pose we ain't got no union cards and
we go in there and start playing anyway. Now what you gonna do
about that? You gonna stop us? Stein? You're gonna look pretty
funny trying to eat corn on the cob with no fucking teeth.
Jake: Listen, let me talk to Bob, the owner, see
if we can put your band on contract waivers for tonight. I don't
want you to move from this spot. Just let me handle this.
Elwood: We'll uh.. we'll talk to Bob.
[Jake and Elwood slowly retreat as Bob comes out to the
parking lot]
Jake: Get in the car and start her up.
[Elwood goes to the car, Jake goes over to Bob]